Using Paired Cues to Accelerate learning
When you think of training new behaviors, you think of training one behavior at a time. For example, in one training session you may teach your dog to jump on a platform and in another you may teach your dog to jump off. However, did you know that you can train these opposite behaviors rapidly if you train them together?
To get started, choose two behaviors that are opposites, such as forward/backward, over/under, on/off, and in/out. In this video, KPA CTP Samantha Jan Jackson is teaching Axl on/off. Note how she is reinforcing each behavior alternately so that the difference between the opposite behaviors, and their cues, becomes more information for Axl. This strategy provides the very high rate of reinforcement that is conducive to rapid learning.
Teaching a dog discrimination by training paired, opposite behaviors moves learning along so quickly that you may find yourself establishing behaviors and cues in a single session. Two cues for the price of one!
For more tips on how to train better and have fun with your dog this fall and beyond, check out KPA’s Dog Trainer Comprehensive course!
Happy Training!