using "Go Sniff" as a reinforcer
In this video, KPA CTP Jill Hassevoort demonstrates how to use the “go sniff” cue as a secondary reinforcer (something that is associated with a primary reinforcer, in this case sniffing) to reward a job well done. This reinforcer is a terrific alternative to treats, as well as the perfect way to reward your dog for good behavior while when you are out (especially loose-leash walking)!
Want more creative reinforcement ideas? Learn all about using reinforcement effectively in Ken Ramirez’s online course Smart Reinforcement! The online course includes up to 4.5 hours of 1:1 support from Ken through email, video review, or the online classroom discussion forum!
Ken Ramirez shows you how to use non-food reinforcers effectively in the step-by-step online course, Smart Reinforcement.