responding to errors in training
Reacting to these mistakes with corrections or punishment can have a negative impact on both the effectiveness of your training and your dog's emotional state. Instead, KPA CTP Adrienne Ervin recommends these alternatives:
Give a Moment: Sometimes all your dog needs is a moment to process the information. Be patient and allow your dog time to think.
Provide a Prompt: If your dog seems unsure, offer a gentle prompt or cue to help your dog understand what you're asking for.
Reset with a Treat: Tossing a treat away from your dog can help reset the behavior. A reset can be particularly useful if frustration is building.
End on a Positive Note: Finish the training session with an easy behavior your dog is comfortable with—or even end with a training "jackpot," a series of treats or praise for a job well done.
Reflect on the Environment: After the session, think about how you can rearrange the training environment next time to create better conditions for your dog's success.
By adopting these positive and patient approaches to training, you'll not only improve your dog's learning experience but you’ll strengthen the bond between you. Remember, training is a journey! It's important to keep in mind the well-being of both you and your dog throughout the process.
If you want to enhance your understanding of modern, effective positive dog training, build a stronger bond with your dog, or take the next step toward a fulfilling career as a dog trainer, our Dog Trainer courses will support you every step of the way. Check out our online introductory courses or explore upcoming locations to earn your certification as a professional dog trainer!
Happy Training!
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