practice polite manners in public
In this video, Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) Certified Training Partner (CTP) Meg Sanders works with a client and her dog Twila to practice good manners in a busy shopping center. Like many puppies, four-month-old Twila loves people; it is a challenge not to rush up to greet everyone she sees. Meg says, “While we love that Twila is social and happy around all kinds of people, we also want her to learn that she can’t greet everyone—and when she does greet people, she needs to stay calm and keep all four feet on the floor.”
To teach Twila to stay calm in the presence of strangers, Meg’s client begins by standing calm and still as people around them go about their business. When Twila notices a passing stranger, she clicks and reinforces Twila for turning her attention back to her. Eventually, Twila turns her attention back immediately after noticing a stranger. Great work, team!
For more ideas about how to get started training your dog, check out our blogs and the Dog Trainer Foundations course! The Immersion version of the Dog Trainer Foundations course offers an even more personalized, structured learning experience plus five hours of coaching to help you get to the next step!
Happy Training!
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Learn the foundations of a well-behaved dog in our online course, Dog Trainer Foundations (save $49). For an even more personalized learning experience and five hours of coaching, check out the Immersion version (save $119)! Use coupon code TYD2025.