how to test a cue
Does your dog respond to cues reliably at home but fails to respond when you ask for those same cues in a new environment? Your dog isn’t being stubborn on purpose. He simply doesn’t know the behavior to the extent that you think he does!
To ensure that your dog truly knows a cue, it’s important to train and test that cue in a variety of locations and contexts. Ken Ramirez has been working on strengthening the “go to place” cue with his dog Mr. Miagi by practicing it in different contexts. In this video, Ken tests the reliability of the “go to place” cue by placing Mr. Miagi’s mat in a completely different context—on top of a tall play structure! Watch as Mr. Miagi climbs the structure with confidence, demonstrating that he truly knows this behavior and can perform it anywhere, despite the distance (and, in this case, height)!
For more tips on how to train better and have fun with your dog, check out KPA’s Dog Trainer Comprehensive course!
Happy Training!
Dog Trainer Comprehensive
Learn modern, effective, positive reinforcement training in our online course, Dog Trainer Comprehensive!