how to teach a head nod
In this video, KPA CTP Sarah Walsh and her dog Wrigley demonstrate how to teach “nod your head.” The goal is to have Wrigley lower her chin and then lift it back up. Before she begins teaching the behavior, Sarah preloads her hand with several treats (she is using kibble as treats). She offers a treat just above Wrigley’s nose so that Wrigley has to lift her head to take the treat. Once she takes the treat, Wrigley lowers her head to eat it. Sarah captures that downward head movement with a click and follows the click by delivering the reward up high again.
Once Sarah has established this initial pattern, instead of clicking when Wrigley lowers her head, she clicks when Wrigley brings her head back up. Wrigley lowers her head, brings it back up, and then Sarah clicks and delivers the treat. In no time, Wrigley is fully (and enthusiastically) nodding her head! Sarah can now put this behavior on a verbal cue. She can even teach Wrigley to offer a head nod after she asks a question. “Do you like learning fun new behaviors?” “YES” (via a head nod)!
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