How to Manage Counter-SurfingIn preparation for the holidays, kitchens are laden with tempting treats and mouthwatering smells. For dogs that are tall or…Read More
Introducing Leg Weaves to a PuppyCanine freestyle, often referred to as “dog dancing,” is a captivating sport that showcases the unique bond between dogs and…Read More
Cone of Comfort: Teaching Your Dog to Wear a ConeWearing a medical apparatus is seldom enjoyable, and dogs are no exception. However, there may come a time when a…Read More
November KPA CTP of the Month: Sarah RodriguezSarah Rodriguez, KPA CTP, was working in the dog-care industry while she completed a master’s degree in visual art at…Read More
The Art and Joy of ShapingShaping is a method of gradually teaching dogs a new behavior by rewarding them for each small step in the…Read More
Congratulations to the 2023 Zoe Scholarship RecipientsKaren Pryor Academy (KPA) and Lisa White, DVM, founder of Veterinary Behavior Management Solutions in Cincinnati, Ohio, are pleased to…Read More
Turkey Game: Adding Sizzle to Your Dog Training ClassesAre you looking to inject some excitement into your group training classes? The key might be introducing engaging and enjoyable…Read More
Look Closely: Karen Pryor Still Has So Much to Teach UsIn 2021, as we celebrated Karen Pryor’s 90th birthday, we wrote about how, even amidst dementia, she continues to offer…Read More
Encouraging Cats to Come Out of Their EnclosuresShelter environments are often stressful for cats, and the stress makes the cats hesitant to come out of their enclosures.…Read More
October KPA CTP of the Month: Esti AratenWhen Esti Araten, KPA CTP, wanted to understand her Lhasa Apso, Looli, better, she investigated all aspects of dog behavior.…Read More
Why Do Dogs Bite the Leash?Does your dog’s walk sometimes resemble a game of tug-of-war? Leash-biting and tugging are behaviors that many puppies and dogs…Read More
Responding to Errors in TrainingWhen it comes to training a new skill, creating the right environment can impact your dog’s success significantly. Dogs don’t…Read More