training games: fun with a beach bucket
With scorching heat in many parts of the country this summer, many dogs may not be able to go on long walks or take trips to the dog park. Here's a fun training game that boosts your dog's creativity and lets your dog burn some mental energy using a popular summer staple: a beach bucket!
- Begin by placing a bucket near your dog. Be sure that the bucket you select is sturdy, with no sharp edges.
- Your dog will likely investigate this new object you placed before him—this is great! Click and treat for any interaction with the bucket, such as:
• glancing at the bucket,
• walking towards the bucket,
• sniffing the bucket,
• touching the bucket,
• and so on.
- At some point, decide on a goal behavior based on the behaviors your dog has offered and reinforce only that behavior. This behavior might be:
• paw on the bucket,
• head in the bucket,
• rolling the bucket,
• or even carrying the bucket.
- Once your dog is demonstrating the goal behavior reliably, you can add a cue.
What different things can you train your dog to do? The possibilities are endless! For more training tips and ideas, check out our blogs and the Dog Trainer Foundations course!
Happy Training!
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