when dogs are quarantined, too
A timely article in The New York Times online newspaper entitled “Helping Your Dog Survive During a Quarantine” provides excellent advice for pet owners who are anticipating, or already experiencing, quarantine or shelter-in-place restrictions as a result of the novel coronavirus Covid-19.
Acknowledging the reassuring news that pets seem unlikely to contract the virus, the article goes on to suggest preparation steps (don’t forget preventive medicines!) and enrichment and training options to pass the time and keep pets and owners engaged. Advice from KPA CTP Ettel Edshteyn about pottying indoors is included as well. Anticipating needs and planning for structure minimize stress and problems, so think through the issues presented in the article and any other potential issues that you could face. Most of all, take comfort from your close relationship with your pet.
Anticipating needs and planning for structure minimize stress and problems...
We wish for health and calm for all pet owners and pets in these challenging times.
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