Success Under All Conditions

LIVE with Ken Ramirez

A KPA LIVE!™ Class featuring real-time training and coaching WITH ken

Rock-solid behavior for when it truly matters, or for every day!

Join Ken and achieve fluent, reliable performance anywhere, anytime, every time.
Sold out! Sign up to get notified about future LIVE classes and enjoy our monthly Education newsletter featuring training tips, videos, and more.

Enrollment opens on August 6, 2024. Spots are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis! 

Hurry! Registration for Engage experience closes June 22 and Dog/Handler (Excel) Spots are sold out.

Enrollment is open! Spots are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis! 

Tuition: $5,300 (see course page for prices in other currency)


LIVE learning brings concepts to life


Five weeks of training, a week-by-week curriculum integrated with four LIVE virtual classes with real-time coaching, interactive learning, and Q&A. Super educational, super fun.


The LIVE week-by-week curriculum integrates with, and prepares you for, the weekly LIVE class. New levels of advancement each week!


Ask questions and share insights, pics, and your training videos. Celebrate progress together!

A week-by-week curriculum guides your learning every step of the way. Each week, join your classmates for one of four LIVE classes for real-time training and personalized interactive coaching, plus Q&A with your instructor. You will see other students practice the behaviors, hear your instructor’s feedback, make adjustments, and improve their training. Each of these Zoom-based classes is two hours long. All students get access to the full week-by-week curriculum and class forum. In each Zoom class:

  • Engage students watch training and your instructor’s coaching and can ask questions through Zoom chat.
  • Excel students get personalized real-time coaching and feedback on their training during the Zoom class PLUS on-screen Q&A.

Miss a class? No problem. LIVE classes are also recorded.

Let's Begin This Fabulous Journey, Together

See What's Covered in Each unit



Enroll for the Engage or Excel student experience.

  • In the Engage experience, you receive the four LIVE classes over Zoom; the integrated weekly course curriculum with both video and written exercises to train your dog; the class discussion forum for comments, questions, and video sharing; access to the class recordings and curriculum for one year.
  • In the Excel experience, you get everything above, plus you are one of 8 students that the instructor will personally coach week-by-week through the class material. Instructor support includes feedback on your video submissions, coaching, prioritized Q&A during each LIVE class, and a detailed written assessment of your progress.

Compare the differences below and choose the experience that works best for you!




Only 8 spots



limited enrollments


4 LIVE Classes over 5 weeks, 2-2.5 hours each, 8.5 hours total

LIVE Class

Real-time coaching during LIVE classes

full participation

observe only

Q&A during LIVE classes
Recordings available post-class

4-unit curriculum coordinated with LIVE class. Includes:

  • Weekly skill videos, webinar-style (pre-recorded)


  • Fun, weekly training exercises and training challenges (downloadable)
  • Written weekly feedback on practice training videos
Weekly training time recommended for exercises

1.5-2 hours weekly

1.5-2 hours weekly

Access to class discussion forum for sharing comments, questions, and videos
Share comments


Ask the instructor written training questions

Share practice videos and receive Instructor feedback

Up to 5 minutes per unit and 20 minutes total

Observe instructor feedback on
student videos

Share practice training videos with
the class
Unlimited submissions
Unlimited submissions
Eligible for SkillCheck assessment


from Ken Ramirez

Submit assessment video for up to 30 days
after the class ends

Eligible to earn SkillCheck designation in Snake Avoidance (must meet set criteria)
LIVE class recordings - 1 year

Post Course

Unit video lectures - 1 year

Unit exercises and training challenges - 1 year


Course-completion certificate

Side by side comparison


Enroll for the Engage or Excel student experience.

  • In the Engage experience, you receive the four LIVE classes over Zoom; the integrated weekly course curriculum with both video and written exercises to train your dog; the class discussion forum for comments, questions, and video sharing; access to the class recordings and curriculum for one year.
  • In the Excel experience, you get everything above plus you are one of eight students that the instructor will personally coach week-by-week through the class material. Instructor support includes feedback on your video submissions, coaching, prioritized Q&A during each LIVE class, and a detailed written assessment of your progress.

Compare the differences below and choose the experience that works best for you!

LIVE Class

4 LIVE Classes over 5 weeks, 2-2.5 hours each, 8.5 hours total

Real-time coaching during LIVE classes (observe only)

Q&A during LIVE classes
Recordings available post-class

Coordinated Curriculum

4-unit curriculum coordinated with LIVE class. Includes:
  • Weekly skill videos, webinar-style, pre-recorded
  • Weekly fun training exercises and training challenges, downloadable
Weekly training time suggested for exercises (1.5-2 hours weekly)

Discussion Forum

Class discussion forum for sharing comments, questions, and videos
Share comments

See instructor feedback on
student videos

Share practice training videos with the class (Unlimited submissions)

Post Course Access

Unit video lectures - 1 year
Unit exercises and training challenges - 1 year


Course-completion certificate

LIVE Class

4 LIVE Classes over 5 weeks, 2-2.5 hours each, 8.5 hours total

Real-time coaching during LIVE classes (full participation)
Q&A during LIVE classes
Recordings available post-class

Coordinated Curriculum

4-unit curriculum coordinated with LIVE class. Includes:
  • Weekly skill videos, webinar-style, pre-recorded
  • Weekly fun training exercises and training challenges, downloadable
  • Written weekly feedback on practice training videos
Weekly training time suggested for exercises (1.5-2 hours weekly)

Discussion Forum

Class discussion forum for sharing comments, questions, and videos
Share comments

Ask the instructor written training questions

Share practice videos and receive instructor feedback Up to 5 minutes per unit and 20 minutes total

See instructor feedback on
student videos

Share practice training videos with the class (Unlimited submissions)


Eligible for SkillCheck assessment
Evaluation from Ken Ramirez
Submit assessment video for up to 30 days after the class ends
Eligible to earn SkillCheck designation in Snake Avoidance (must meet set criteria)

Post Course Access

Unit video lectures - 1 year
Unit exercises and training challenges - 1 year


Course-completion certificate


SkillCheckTM assessment with Ken

Meet the criteria to earn the designation during the course or up to 30 days after the course ends

Snake biological shipped to you to help your training (USA)!

Available only to the Excel experience and included in tuition 

You earned your KPA SkillCheck: Snake Avoidance digital badge!

SkillCheckTM is a formalized KPA method for teachers to provide feedback to students on the skills taught in a specific course. SkillCheck criteria are developed for each KPA course or class.

In this course, SkillCheck is available only to students in the Excel experience. You will receive an easy-to-digest assessment of your skill progress on the Snake Avoidance protocol and, if you demonstrate proficiency, you will earn the SkillCheck designation for Snake Avoidance!


LEARN WITH ken ramirez

Ken Ramirez is Executive Vice President and Chief Training Officer at Karen Pryor Clicker Training (KPCT). He oversees educational programming and teaches courses online at Karen Pryor Academy, in-person at ClickerExpo conferences, and at KPCT's National Training Center. Ken developed his protocol to successfully teach dogs to avoid snakes using 100% positive reinforcement training through research projects and live field application of the protocol across the world.

A trainer and consultant for nearly 50 years, Ken is highly active in animal conservation worldwide. Prior to joining KPCT, he served as Executive Vice President, Animal Care and Training, at Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium. Ken is the author of a seminal book on animal training. A selection of his lectures is available on streaming video.

Here's What You'll Be Learning UNIT by UNIT



  • Trainers should have a solid understanding of positive reinforcement training.
  • Knowing how to use a clicker or other marker is helpful but not required.

Excel students will need:

  • A basic repertoire of behaviors under solid stimulus control that can be cued to regain your dog’s focus in the face of distractions. Example behaviors include name recognition, eye contact, hand target, “leave it,” etc. 
  • Several additional behaviors, already under good stimulus control, that you want your dog to perform with greater reliability in the face of distractions. These behaviors might include loose-leash walking, heeling, relaxing on a mat, recall, etc. 
  • An assistant—someone your dog knows well. The assistant helps you present distractions and adjust the intensity throughout the class. 
  • A camera (phone, camcorder, or similar) and a tripod or other equipment to record your training sessions. 


Foundation For getting started!

In Unit 1, Ken introduces his process for desensitization and generalization and then walks you through getting started with your own training. 

Topics covered:

  • A working definition of desensitization
  • Using body orientation as an introduction to desensitization
  • Changing but familiar locations as the next logical step
  • Introducing low-level distractions that do not cause a problem
  • Defining what it means to stay below threshold


Distractions you can control!

In Unit 2, Ken continues to expand and increase the level of distractions you use. 

Topics Covered:

  • What are distractions that you can control?
  • How to maximize control of distractions
  • How to list your dog’s distractions in order from least to most problematic
  • When and how to use distractions as reinforcers
  • How counter-conditioning can help, and when it is a separate procedure


Maintaining Momentum

In Unit 3, Ken teaches you the next skills and steps that build on your success.

Topics Covered:

  • Record-keeping and how and why you should keep a desensitization log
  • Understanding how you are working toward teaching your dog the concept of novelty
  • A look at what you hope your dog will perceive and learn through this process
  • Helpful hints for working with your assistant and common challenges that may arise


wrapping up

Unit 4 builds on the concepts introduced in previous units and addresses pitfalls and hiccups. Ken shares additional information that he has found invaluable for trainers looking to take their dogs' reliability to new heights.

Topics Covered:

  • Common questions
  • Common challenges and frequent mistakes
  • Ongoing training and maintenance
  • The data on the “Success Under All Conditions” approach

Join the journey!

Engage ($99)Registration Opens March 17 @9am PT
Engage ($99)Register Now!
Excel ($279)Registration Opens March 17 @9AM PT
Excel ($279)Only 1 Spot Left!
Excel ($279)Register Now! March 31 Deadline
Excel ($279)SOLD OUT