How to Create a Safe Place for Your Dog: Part 2In Part 1 of How to Create a Safe Place for Your Dog, KPA faculty member Debbie Martin demonstrated how…Read More
Teach Your Dog a Controlled RetrieveIs your dog obsessed with chasing balls and toys? It’s tempting to try and wear out your dog by mindlessly…Read More
Teaching Verbal Cue DiscriminationAs trainers, we need to be able to depend on our dogs’ ability to respond to the correct verbal cue…Read More
Flip the Switch with ShapingShaping, teaching a new behavior by breaking it down in small increments, is an essential tool for teaching complex (and…Read More
Teach Your Dog to Retrieve Everyday ItemsWhat if your dog could bring you his/her bowl—or even a beer? Training a dog to retrieve everyday items is…Read More
Using Paired Cues to Accelerate LearningWhen you think of training new behaviors, you think of training one behavior at a time. For example, in one…Read More
How to Paddle Board with Your DogLooking for a fun activity to do with your dog this summer? Stand-up paddle boarding (SUP) can provide an awesome…Read More
Teach Your Dog to Put Toys AwayAre you always tripping over dog toys? Did you know that, according to the CDC, tripping over dog toys caused…Read More
Creating a Two-Part SequenceIf your dog is fluent in more than one behavior, those individual behaviors can be linked together by learned cues…Read More
The Power of Environmental CuesAll behavior is impacted by the environment. Even if the trainer does nothing consciously, the animal will still perceive cues…Read More
How to Teach Your Dog Not to Beg at the TableOne of the most common problems that pet owners want to solve is how to teach their dogs not to…Read More
Teach Your Dog to Cheek TargetWhat types of useful behaviors can you teach with targeting? In last week’s blog Teaching Your Dog to Hand Target,…Read More