older dogs can learn new tricks!
Teaching an old dog a new trick is not only possible, it’s beneficial! Training older dogs helps keep them in good shape both physically and mentally. Think of training as Sudoku for dogs! Learning new behaviors is also enriching and fun for you and your dog. It is a great way to spend time together and strengthen your bond.
In this video, KPA CTP Melissa Parker and her senior dog Wrigley demonstrate some of their favorite behaviors: sit, up, spin, and bow. “When I first met Wrigley, she only knew how to sit and now, at 13, look what she has learned!” says Melissa. “Positive reinforcement has made Wrigley more eager to learn behaviors. She always wants to train and that’s the best place for a dog to be. Training has helped build our relationship, and we both love our time together.”
While Wrigley is still a physically active dog, many senior pets have physical ailments that can make even simple behaviors challenging. You can work around these obstacles by teaching your dog simple games, such as this game with a Solo cup!
For more tips on how to train better and have fun with your dog, check out KPA’s Dog Trainer Comprehensive course!
Happy Training!
Dog Trainer Comprehensive
Learn modern, effective, positive reinforcement training in our online course, Dog Trainer Comprehensive!