How to crate train your dog
The holiday season is a joyous time for humans. It's full of festive parties, holiday décor, delicious treats, and visitors. However, while holidays are fun for people, this time of year can be overwhelming for household pets.
Tempting treats within mouth-reach, excited children at eye-level, the aroma of the turkey as it waits to be carved on the kitchen counter, the steady stream of people coming through the door—with all of this excitement, the family dog is often over-stimulated and underfoot. This situation can lead to big trouble!
One thing that can ward off trouble is a crate. A crate can be a quiet and safe haven for your dog during the hustle and bustle of the holidays. In this video, Karen Pryor Academy faculty member Laurie Luck demonstrates how to shape your dog to enjoy his crate during the holidays—so that you and your guests can enjoy the holidays, too!
For more tips on how to have a well-mannered dog this holiday season and beyond, check out Karen Pryor Academy's Dog Training Foundations course!
Learn the foundations of a well-behaved dog in our online course, Dog Trainer Foundations.