helping dogs learn to come inside
Do you struggle getting your dog to come inside after playtime in the yard? While it’s frustrating when your dog ignores you, who could blame your pup when being outside is so much more exciting than being indoors? The trick is to flip that dynamic and make coming inside more fun!
There are many ways to teach your dog to come inside but in this video KPA CTP Sarah Rodriguez demonstrates how to turn coming inside into a fun game. Every time her puppy, Jerry, orients to her, Sarah places treats on the ground by her feet. As shown in the video, she begins the game by opening the door and placing treats by the threshold. Jerry walks to the threshold to eat the treats. She then walks away from the threshold; when Jerry follows her, she places treats on the ground again. Sarah repeats this exercise a few times until Jerry gets the idea that orienting toward her earns treats. Sarah then steps inside the house; when Jerry follows her, he has learned that coming inside the house is more rewarding than remaining outdoors!
For more tips on how to train better and have fun with your dog, check out KPA’s Dog Trainer Comprehensive course!
Happy Training!
Dog Trainer Comprehensive
Learn modern, effective, positive reinforcement training in our online course, Dog Trainer Comprehensive!