KPA Deposits

Congratulations on your acceptance to the Karen Pryor Academy Dog Trainer Professional program!

A deposit is required at this time to accept your place in the class. Paying your deposit online is fast, convenient, and secure. You may use a credit card, PayPal, or a electronic bank withdrawal. Your entire deposit will be applied toward your tuition.

Deposits are not refundable except in the event that KPA cancels the class to which you were accepted.

We will contact you with payment instructions for the remaining tuition approximately seven days before your class enrollment date. You should be prepared to pay your tuition (less this deposit) or make your first installment at that time.

If you have any questions, email us at [email protected].

All Virtual format courses, US Regional and National Format courses

Canada Regional and National Format courses

United Kingdom Regional and National Format courses

World Program Format

Australia Regional and National Format courses