April KPA CTP of the Month: Brittany ThomasBrittany Thomas, KPA CTP, met a Karen Pryor Academy (KPA) Certified Training Partner (CTP) when she was pursuing her certification…Read More
March KPA CTP of the Month: Kristina Dieta SetiabudiKristina Dieta Setiabudi, KPA CTP, offers dog training services through her business, Puppy Colours in Singapore, focusing on puppies and…Read More
February KPA CTP of the Month: Georgette LombardoGeorgette Lombardo, KPA CTP, Albuquerque The Magazine’s Top Trainer in 2020 and 2017 and among the Top 5 in 2016,…Read More
January KPA CTP of the Month: Cari TetzlaffCari Tetzlaff, KPA CTP, was searching for new ways to help at-risk dogs when she enrolled in the Karen Pryor…Read More
December KPA CTP of the Month: Sarah WalshSarah Walsh, KPA CTP, CDPT-KA, studied zoology and business administration to earn her bachelor’s degree. After graduation, she was eager…Read More
November KPA CTP of the Month: Tisha KnickerbockerTisha Knickerbocker, KPA CTP, offers a range of dog-training services, from basic family manners to training for the fun, games,…Read More
October KPA CTP of the Month: Sarah HothSarah Hoth, KPA CTP, entered the dog training field in a familiar way: she adopted a dog and needed advice,…Read More
September KPA CTP of the Month: Chelsea MurrayChelsea Murray, KPA CTP, began her career as a dog trainer after earning a degree in biological sciences at the…Read More
August KPA CTP of the Month: Consuelo LópezConsuelo López, KPA CTP, halted a study of literature to return to her greatest passion, horse riding. In addition to…Read More
June KPA CTP of the Month: Jill SackmanThe life of Jill Sackman, DVM, PhD, KPA CTP, has always included companion and show animals. A veterinarian specializing in…Read More
June KPA CTP of the Month: Kiki YablonKiki Yablon, KPA CTP, has journeyed from new-dog owner to established and respected dog trainer in the Chicago area—following a…Read More
May KPA CTP of the Month: Tabitha KuceraTabitha Kucera, KPA CTP, CCBC, CRVT, is dedicated to strengthening the bond between animals and humans. Her business, Chirrups &…Read More